With the Vancouver Canucks two years ago, he muscled the Rangers in the cup final that went down to the final face-off in the seventh game.
The final face-off between Peter, Lois and Gibson that takes place on Mount Rushmore is also a reference to North by Northwest.
That having been said, it is impossible to watch the debates - including, undoubtedly, the final face-off this Wednesday - without trying to figure out who has got the facts straight.
After five money clocks, the two players with the most money went to the final face-off.
After these bosses are defeated, he kidnaps Shrek before the final face-off.
After the Duke freshman Terrence Molinari won the game's final face-off, he passed the ball to midfielder Peter Lamade.
With 2.8 seconds to play, Coach Bryan Trottier sent out three players who have a combined 139 penalty minutes this season for the game's final face-off.
As it is, Ms. Irving brings a bruising emotional commitment to her part, especially in the final face-off with Oswald, but little illuminating detail.
This was won by Dushyant-Priya who next joined Sai-Tina in the final face-off.
After a final face-off with Zeriti in Asgalun they return to Baalur and cure the city's inhabitants.