How far Julian's final redaction departs from the hitherto traditional arrangement we have not the means of judging save in some exceptional cases.
The redactors of these additions were probably Pancharatrin scholars who according to Oberlies (1998) likely retained control over the text until its final redaction.
Instead, Young proposes to investigate the pericope as narrative art and to apply literary-critical methods to the text in its final redaction by Mark.
One final redaction took place under Shapur II (r. 309-379).
Even later, Emperor Hadrian commissioned a final redaction of the text and prohibited any further changes.
Kahana's admission is characteristic of the centuries following the final redaction of the Talmud.
Konrad himself continued the work to 1229 and made the final redaction.
Many of the Midrashic works achieved their final redaction in the Geonic period.
Its final redaction probably belongs to the end of the 4th century, but the individual scholars who brought it to its present form cannot be fixed with assurance.
In recent years scholars have come to doubt the causal link between the abolition of the Patriarchate and the seeming incompletion of the final redaction.