With that final roar, he turned to the interior.
A final roar of cheers and shouts came from up above.
Then, with a final hideous roar, the lion slumped to the ground, dead.
The Porsche thundered into the garage, then with a final roar, died.
With a final roar of appreciation the film was terminated, and someone conjured up a map of the subway.
With a final roar, the cat twisted over and lay panting on its side.
The last name appeared, and there was a final huge roar from the crowd.
With one final roar, like the breath of a thousand furnaces, the Firedrake expired.
He flexed his knees as the rocket gave a final roar of thrust and cut off about ten feet above the deck.
One final roar from the engine, and then it died away, stuttering into silence.