During the next few months, Pedro attempted to maintain a semblance of unity with Portugal, but the final rupture was impending.
The final rupture came Oct. 5, 1988.
Indeed, there were tears throughout, and a final rupture by 1878, five years before Wagner's death.
On the evening of the final rupture Mignon presented himself at the house in the Avenue de Villiers.
Weygand had informed Reynaud: "the final rupture of our lines may take place at any time."
If either company refuses to back down, the controversy could mean the final rupture of the Power PC alliance.
In spite of that event, for many years both Churches continued to maintain friendly relations and seemed to be unaware of any formal or final rupture.
The final rupture occurred definitively in 1569.
The raid was a final rupture in what had been the administration's most important personal relationship in Iraq.
Serious differences of opinion concerning the policy to be adopted towards Austria and in foreign politics generally led to a final rupture in 1730.