Typically, a thorough final sanding of the wood with one suitable grit will "even out" the absorption of the stain.
These should have been filled before the final sanding, but it's possible that some were missed.
New wood must be fine sanded and if an orbital sander has been used, it is essential that the final sanding is done by hand with the grain, otherwise small circular marks will be seen in the finish.
Before the final sanding, install the smoothest paper in both the floor sander and the edger, vacuum the floor once more, then remove your shoes or put on new sneakers to avoid marking the bare wood.
Guy would stand on a scaffold and do the final sanding and polishing himself, planning to have workmen roll the finished product near the bier sometime before dawn.
For the final sanding, repeat the process again, using the finest grade of sandpaper.
A finishing machine is then used for the final sanding.
After the final sanding, vacuum the floor and wipe up remaining dust with a tack cloth.
After final sanding, use a hand scraper to scrape any areas missed by the edger.
Using a 'Backward' Style Aside from the initial cutting and final sanding, Mr. Huneck said, he uses only hand tools in his work, which makes him something of a rarity among his contemporaries.