He gave one final shudder and lay dead.
With one final shudder, Eve closed her eyes and surrendered.
For a moment, his body lay jerking violently on the stained earth, then he gave a final shudder and was still.
And then, with a final shudder, much like a death throe, the engineering section of the Independence erupted.
Then, with a final shudder, the quarter lies still.
With a final shudder and groan the plane left the ground.
As they watched, one final shudder shook the strange ship, and then, like a stranded whale who has given up hope, it lay still.
Richard gave a final shudder, sighed, brushed her ear with his lips, and rolled over to sleep.
He gave a final convulsive shudder, held prisoner by her thighs, then erupted himself.
A fast free fall with no sensation at all, then one final shudder from the stick when plane meets ground.