Booth finally acceded to the Melbourne See in 1942.
In 1527, Cort6s finally acceded to Antonio's request and the expedi- tion was authorized.
The children finally acceded to this demand.
Last year I finally acceded to our high school class scribe's pleas.
Mr. Bush finally acceded, murmuring words he has never before been known to utter as President: "I'm tired."
He finally acceded to Nick's suggestion, and knocked.
After five days of resisting public pressure for a legal demonstration, the Jordanian government finally acceded to the request by opposition parties to march.
Its owners finally acceded in 1980 and allowed the building's destruction.
Only after the request is repeated several times does Vaddum finally accede.
Grof glowered at the injustice of it all, but he finally acceded.