Lena's eyes finally adjusted, and she could make out shapes of people all around her.
Tristan's eyes finally adjusted to the brightness enough that he could make out forms moving toward them from all sides.
Especially now that their eyes had finally adjusted themselves to the twilight.
When my eyes finally adjusted, I found that even with a healthy buzz, it still had the feel of a poorly written high-school book report.
The company, in fact, seemed finally adjusted to the thrust of the stage in the small Joyce house.
The one positive aspect of the morning was that she'd finally adjusted to the boat's movement on the water.
His eyes finally adjusted to the light, and he turned to face Mac.
I have, I think, finally adjusted my thinking to a positive attitude toward death.
I haven't made any changes in my training at all, just finally adjusted to my training and stayed injury free.
We both had finally adjusted to the clean tabletop.