A few years ago, she didn't feel like going to her husband's college reunion but finally caved in.
This can lead to the development of large underground caverns that finally cave in.
In his last week Clinton finally caved in-but only after inserting language that would put off the change for four years.
The kid from Adelaide finally caved in three weeks ago.
The center of the tercio finally caved in under the M-60's blazing hammer blows.
So the agency is finally caving in and testing the idea of using private contractors.
When I was in Florida, my mother finally caved and got me some sort of cheap plan.
They all started cryin' and cussin' her so bad, she finally caved in.
Cameras were probably hidden everywhere, and he didn't want anyone to think he'd finally caved where this woman was concerned.
Four years later, on her twelfth birthday, her mother finally caved.