So the son finally challenges the father.
Ma further said, "I can now finally challenge a character who is somewhat villainous."
Vigh was making use of these events as an excuse to finally challenge K'Vada.
Even more fearsome monsters are confronted in every new place until he finally challenges the bad guy who controls all the evil in the world.
What kept me watching was the otherwise excellent writing and the hope that someone would finally challenge the smug surgeon.
A more efficient stride encouraged her that she could finally challenge Masterkova's blistering kick in the 1,500.
He finally challenges Sarah to book a major talent to perform at Capricorn, never expecting that she can do it.
Now, the infusion of serious Asian restaurants in New York may finally challenge these standards.
"I'll tell you what I'll do," he challenged finally.
He finally challenged Shingebis to let him into his lodge.