But the children finally coaxed her back to the keyboard.
It turns out to be a female, a strong one that runs and dives before I finally coax her to the net.
It was Salla who finally coaxed Obla back down to her bed.
Ms. Ephron recalls how she finally coaxed him into it.
He had to wait while the other passengers deplaned before he finally coaxed his leg into movement.
A staff member finally coaxed him into the bakeshop kitchen to help decorate Christmas cookies.
Jordan finally coaxed a rewritten and acceptable chapter from her.
I finally coaxed a small shark into nipping at my fly, but his heart wasn't really in it.
This finally coaxed the band out of retirement.
"Here's somebody who hasn't heard my jokes and stories a score of times," he said, and finally coaxed a few slight laughs from his guest.