Or should we shop around until the mystic marriage between painting and frame is finally consummated?
When that love is finally consummated, Thomas knows ecstasy.
I suppose it was a solemn moment, kind of like finally consummating the marriage after a long courtship.
When, after a lot of such talk, the affair is finally consummated, Maria returns home to an ugly recrimination scene.
Their mutual feelings of frustration result in their finally consummating their marriage.
When he finally consummates this relationship, his power to stop time passes to his girlfriend, whose own time adventures begin.
Work was completed at an approximate cost of 8000pounds, and the church was finally consummated on 20 May 1961, with the first service held the following day.
Until the deal, which has not been made public, was finally consummated in February, hardly anyone at either Columbia or Harvard expected it to come off.
In this instance, I knew the young man's father would have to dig deep into his box before the marriage was finally consummated and the bride brought home.
Their mutual admiration society is finally consummated tonight, as the two groups share a bill during Massive Attack's stellar Meltdown season.