Antipathy between these two groups had been growing since 1957, though would finally culminate in the Rwandan Genocide of 1994.
The year finally culminated with the death of Tiffany - killed in a motor accident, while trying to reclaim her daughter from Grant.
Several threatening events finally culminated in a Congressional declaration of war on April 6, 1917.
The three week assault finally culminated with India taking control of the peak and changing the course of the war.
This is a process that continues, and finally culminates in the fantasy world having little connection, if any, to actual times and places.
This culminates finally in his arrest, and he spends some time in prison.
This book is the record of years of turmoil that finally culminated in contact with her grown son.
This piece of work demanded a bio-psychosocial approach and social care planning finally culminating in a family meeting.
The disapproval finally culminated in the drumming of fingertips on the table.
Five months of training finally culminated with my 20-mile run.