As a young adult, Professor van Loon said, he finally deciphered the letters, which had been obscured by the later additions of 'child-safety' metalwork in the balustrade.
There was nowhere else to go unless she was willing to wait passively in Muriah until the Host finally deciphered her personal snuff-sequence and finished her off.
I finally deciphered their language.
The father deciphers finally one of the lamp's inscriptions, "Destroy the lamp to destroy the Jinn."
But scientists are able to finally decipher their speech.
Letters that might, when finally deciphered, explain what they were about.
Angel and Cordy discuss the baby and Angel's feelings towards it as Fred finally deciphers the text of the prophecy.
Her stunned consciousness finally deciphered what was lying at her feet.
Despite the chaos in the Net, some bright hacker will finally decipher the sinuous path of her commands, tracing all of this back to her.
After several days of work, Nanfoodle and Regis finally decipher the text on the scrolls.