When the fleets finally disengaged at nightfall, both sides had suffered roughly equal losses.
When we finally disengage, Aunt Ruthie blinks at me in an exaggerated way.
Warren finally disengaged her grasp.
I stood there for longer than I should have, finally disengaging myself from the top of his cubicle and walking, head down, to my office.
The whale finally disengaged its head from the shattered timbers and swam off, never to be seen again, leaving the Essex quickly going down by the bow.
The other three crabs lasted longer, ten seconds altogether before they finally disengaged their claws from their companion and fell to the ground below.
The NVA finally disengaged and withdrew, leaving behind forty-two killed in action.
"I guess you feel that way too," he said when they finally disengaged.
Lori finally disengaged from the kiss, which had extended beyond her intent.