The one I finally dispatched was far less flowery and hysterical than its predecessors.
City finally dispatching them in the penalty shootout 4-3.
The fruit is then finally dispatched to the end consumer through wholesale fruit markets.
Life rafts were finally dispatched at around 10.50pm.
You English, after all, have finally dispatched that pig Corsican to his island hell.
When full details of the draw were finally dispatched it emerged that Readers Digest had a considerable involvement.
Strangled and burned, van der Leyen was finally dispatched with an iron fork.
With Crowley finally dispatched, Dexter can finally focus on exonerating his name from the murder investigation.
When Napoleon was finally dispatched, the Bourbons were restored to the throne of Naples.
When 50 of them were finally dispatched to Louisiana, the paper reported, their first assignment was "to stand beside President Bush" as he toured devastated areas.