Gradually, he learned how to respond to some questions; what and who, primarily, both major steps forward, which allowed him to finally engage in basic conversation.
Addressing this complex intersection of race and class, the series finally engages viewers in a conversation as vigorous as the art it chronicles.
Lenny and Linda console each other over their break-ups, and end up finally engaging in intercourse.
John Candelaria - who last summer engaged in periodic skirmishes with the Yankees and finally said he did not intend to return - is back.
Cromwell finally engaged and defeated the new king at Worcester on 3 September 1651.
The Obama administration has to press China hard to finally engage.
It was with that thought that the cantankerous old machinery finally engaged and the lock drum rotated.
Shortly after midday, Antony was forced to extend his line from the protection of the shore and finally engage the enemy.
What is important is that the European Union should finally engage in proactive, rather than reactive politics.