A fifteen-block section of Chinatown was quarantined while city leaders squabbled over the proper course to take, but the outbreak was finally eradicated by 1905.
The remains of the building were finally eradicated by the building of the railway in the 1850s.
But when a disease is finally eradicated after causing untold misery for thousands of years, what do they do?
There are wetlands by the sea close to the town and there were cases of malaria in the surrounding area until mid-20th century, when malaria was finally eradicated.
I have beaten the flu, finally eradicated all signs of food poisoning from my system and slept off the insane post-sickness fatigue inspired by .
These colonies were finally eradicated by militia from Spanish-controlled New Orleans lead by Francisco Bouligny.
No victory was guaranteed forever in the kind of war he fought; no threat was finally eradicated while a single enemy survived.
That through genetic engineering - the virtual reprogramming of our biological being - many of our physical diseases and existential predicaments can be finally eradicated.
When smallpox was finally eradicated in 1979, during the 20th century alone it had killed an estimated 300-500 million people.
We must fight for the adoption of moratoria on executions until the death penalty is finally eradicated.