The stubborn giant thrashed about, finally extricating himself from the wood heap.
They stalled him off with hot irons, and afterwards shot him through the loophole of the door before they could finally extricate me.
When he finally extricated himself and finished his exercise, he was greeted with an 8.350.
By the mid-1990s Jones altered his income-producing activities by founding a home inspection and environmental testing company, finally extricating himself from the playground business.
"I promise I'll do everything I can to make this up to you," she said, when she finally extricated herself from his arms.
With their first-quarter demons finally extricated, the Miami Dolphins tonight put together their most impressive first half of the season.
Fanchon labored at an oar, finally extricating it from its lock.
Slashing away with his wedge, he finally extricated his ball on the fourth try, then needed two putts for a 9.
The full details of the settlement were never disclosed, but whatever the case, Riley finally extricated himself from his old contracts and became a free agent.
When we finally extricated ourselves, we just sat in the car, very quietly, and were oddly tearful.