It wasn't until 1975, after organized baseball had been buffeted with criticisms from many corners, that a major league team finally hired a black manager.
After a long search, a law school classmate finally hired her at no salary.
Having insufficient money to pay for basic sound transfers, he finally hired a local radio news reader to narrate the entire movie in post-production.
In August, after he became so distracted during a phone conversation that he nearly lost control of his car, he finally hired a driver.
She finally hired a PI this year, and he got pictures.
So she finally hires someone to kill her.
The commercial real estate company could finally hire more employees.
"We finally hired a cartage company to haul away all the debris."
O'Brien finally hired an unscrupulous private investigator to get him inside the Long Island plant.
We managed to kill every blade of grass; that's when we finally hired a gardener.