Finally overpowering the Wang, he forces him to pay his workers their full wages again.
Duke maneuvers them toward Audrey and they are finally overpowered.
They continue fighting until she finally overpowers Duo and is poised for the 'kill'.
He was finally overpowered, strangled with a cord, and flung from a window.
But, between them, the Hardys finally overpowered and frisked him.
When he discovered the law was outside, he finally overpowered me and fled.
Kilo defeats the two agents and finally overpowers Merit, beating him to death.
After three days' running battle, Störtebeker and his crew were finally overpowered and trapped by means of a trick.
This message he had succeeded in flinging out of the window before he had been finally overpowered.
They struggle together to get to this point but is it meaning that has finally overpowered Croak or is it his feelings?