Kira finally reappeared in the little shuttle's open hatch and beckoned them forward.
Kate and I waited at the hospital until Rudolph finally reappeared.
The show finally reappeared after a long interval and only for a short time, on the small, independent Dumont network.
I wanted to be here waiting for you when you finally reappeared.
John finally reappeared and said he had the engine fixed.
On the road below them, the Karsites finally reappeared, going back the way they had come.
He smiled widely for the first time in two weeks when the Hadenman finally reappeared.
When he finally reappeared, it was from a different direction entirely.
The spirit that had always held their town together in a crisis finally reappeared, if only momentarily.
The patrol finally reappeared beyond the structure, slowly crossed the front of the courtyard, and rolled away.