The workers finally rebel, and destroy the interior of the machine in a series of explosions.
Price's stomach finally rebelled and he doubled over, vomiting uncontrollably and struggling to keep his pistol trained on Marin.
Kelsier created the Church as the means of spreading Hope for freedom and equality in the Skaa so they would finally rebel.
The creature finally rebelled, slew the prince, and overthrew the kingdom.
It was small wonder that the Teleks finally rebelled.
"We're fiscally conservative here and socially progressive - and we're finally rebelling."
Until, that is, the composers of Mr. Hartke's generation finally rebelled.
York and his friends finally openly rebelled in 1455.
But Steven, always the trusty, responsible one, is finally rebelling and has taken off to Africa to join a drumming circle and "find himself."
Further, he could not actually submit, contributing his abilities to serve the emperor, and he finally rebelled, becoming only a madman.