The cave was finally rediscovered on September 8, 1721 by a young shepherd when one of his goats fell in a well-like opening in the porous limestone.
After Louisa died in the year 2000 the manuscript that they worked on together, Halla, was finally rediscovered and published.
After the dissolution of the priory the tomb was lost and was finally rediscovered by the Kildare Archaeological Society in 1971.
It was finally rediscovered in 1982, and since then a number of specimens have been found and some studies have been conducted about its affiliation and habits.
It was only in the 1970s that his legacy was finally rediscovered.
The first generation stereo master tapes for the album were finally rediscovered in a storage vault.
It was finally rediscovered by Tingek et al. in 1988.
Vermeer was finally rediscovered in the 1860's, though the reasons were not purely aesthetic.
They were finally rediscovered in 1993 by Marjorie Blakoner of California, who recognised them in an old album.
The third edition was not published until 1834 in Hamburg by Barreto Feio, after which Vicente's work was finally rediscovered.