James I's ban on football was finally repealed in 1906 (although ignored long before then).
The proclamation was finally repealed, over a hundred years later, by Scott County in 1986.
It was modified by subsequent legislation and finally repealed in 1993.
In 1825, the tax was renewed, and gradually the industry declined until the mid-nineteenth century, when they were finally repealed.
When prohibition was finally repealed in 1933, the demand for strong Fitger's beer grew.
But it was at the Supreme Court level where the case was finally repealed in 1963.
These laws were finally repealed on 1 July 1782.
The early Indian trust system evolved from a series of adjustments to a policy that was gradually abandoned, then finally repealed.
The proclamation was finally repealed by Scott County in 1986.
It is finally repealed in its entirety by the Interpretation Act 1978.