When Mingmei's original memories of her life as Sorgaz finally resurfaced, it lead her into a massive identity crisis.
Two years later he mysteriously disappeared overnight, leaving behind his band and girl friend, and finally resurfaced in Ireland.
When you finally resurfaced, yes.
Deb finally resurfaced on the recording scene in 1995 with the album She's Back.
Robert had got her to safety, Evangeline finally resurfaced, free of guilt or any connection to Finlay, and returned to her apartment.
When it finally resurfaced in print, it was almost always accompanied by derogation.
Truro finally resurfaced the road in 2000.
Tindall finally resurfaced this month with Phillips at the world darts championships in London, wearing giant sunglasses and a long, fake beard.
Where, she revealed yesterday after finally resurfacing in Turin, "One week there felt like a month."
Long forgotten memories finally resurfaced, bits and pieces of his past, pieces he'd thought buried so deeply they'd remain lost forever.