After three months of bloody battle, the Chinese forces finally retook Mount Song through the use high-powered explosives and flamethrowers and the Burma Road could be used once again.
Spinola made considerable progress from 1621 onwards, finally retaking Breda after a famous siege in 1624.
Spain made considerable early advances against the Dutch, finally retaking the key city of Breda in 1624, albeit at huge expense.
When the army finally retook the Metropolitan Technical Institute in the suburb of Zacamil, the whitewashed building was little more than a scarred shell.
The Burmese Army finally retook Mae Tha Waw on Dec. 21.
In the beginning of 2005, MPT finally retook management control of .
He is killed by RepliCarter at the very end of "Reckoning" and is seen at a midway point between Ascension and mortality before finally retaking human form in "Threads".
Thus Badajoz would remain in French hands until the following year, when the Allies finally retook it following the Battle of Badajoz.
He returned again to the ministry of the interior in February 1889, and finally retook the department of justice from March 1890 to February 1892.
When she finally retook the bench, it was clear that Fish's spin had taken.