In 2008 Gambhir finally solidified his place in the Indian Test team with a string of high scores.
It swirled and danced, sparkled with a joy she could not feel, until it finally solidified into whatever her will directed.
They would go through a number of lineup changes and a name change before finally solidifying into the band they would eventually become.
It should finally solidify Ms. Kusama's place in history and, if we are lucky, inspire a full-scale museum show.
Heraclius then appointed himself commander along with his brother Theodore to finally solidify command of the army.
The lava would finally solidify, shackling the demons in stone until such time as the mountain itself crumbled away.
Out of twelve songs on it, eight became radio hits and finally solidified Artzi's status in Israeli popular music.
He laughed quietly as he saw all the puzzle pieces finally solidify into a whole.
Then, slowly, the Devil began to reform, finally solidifying into a cloud twice as big as either of the originals, this one darker in color.
In 2001, he finally solidified a starting position in the Wellington backs, which he held down through the remainder of his time with the province.