German interest in the New Guinea's northeast coast finally spurred the British to get serious about its own colonial ambitions.
Another mine disaster is finally spurring Congress to pass long overdue repairs to the nation's threadbare safety laws.
That unpleasant thought finally spurred her to speech.
All those factors seemed to finally spur the Administration into action.
What finally spurred the construction was the construction of hydroelectric power stations in the valley.
"When the specialist told me that the only way I could cure my back pain, and stop needing the spinal injections was to lose weight, somehow it finally spurred me on."
What finally spurred me to action was a sense of duty, even urgency, to make my voice heard.
But even if Judge Lacey's proposal does finally spur state lawmakers to act, there is no guarantee that the courts will place any stock in their plan now.
Falling out with Anne finally spurred me into activity.
One trick finally spurred a court to suppress a confession.