At that point, Lagos' idea was to wait for reinforcements before finally storming the Cape.
On June 16, Kniephausen's troops finally stormed and plundered Höchst.
The night when your hordes finally stormed the last wall, I was taken from the fortress and brought to the lands of the Gothir.
She screamed at the door for a while before finally storming out of the house.
The authorities finally stormed the Kuro building and regained control of the ballot box.
The Swedes finally stormed the building at 10 a.m. and a bloody close-combat battle ensued.
At 2:30 A.M. the police said, they finally stormed the building and found Mr. Napolitano asleep.
Because the armed guards at major baseball and football games were mostly retired players, they refused to open fire when the athletes finally stormed the stands.
The protesters finally stormed the ministry, 'hunting' the premier and ministers.
The red-shirted protesters finally stormed the hotel building, causing the summit to be cancelled.