The demon with the two disabled legs had finally toppled to the ground.
The dictatorship was finally toppled by the guerrillas after a 10-year battle.
It was he who finally toppled the Liberal Democrats from total power.
It didn't work; they finally toppled over and hit the walkway with a thud.
Stone moved with her, and, locked tightly together, they came noisily, finally toppling over onto the sheets.
As the quake continues, the Colossus finally topples over and crashes into the harbor bay.
So when the Iron Throne was finally toppled, the Church fell with it.
It took a third assault and a fourth to finally topple the guard and send him crashing to the deck.
He blazed down one and gored another in the flank before his own behemoth finally toppled.
A woman has finally toppled the mighty Bang 'em Bondurant?