Wishing he had a pair of radiation gloves, Wesley began digging, finally unearthing Kimbal.
When finally unearthed, it was found to consist of a phial and eight rhytons, one shaped like an amphora and the others like heads of women or animals.
The tropical night was quickly descending when they finally unearthed the entrance, but they couldn't quite clear the door tracks to open it more than a crack.
When he finally unearthed a copy, he said, he discovered that the play seemed to have a lot of juice in it.
She finally unearthed the missing folder, and we reviewed it together.
Plowing through the usual pile of papers and magazines that had accumulated there, she finally unearthed the volume for which she was looking.
The cluttered desk of Vimes's memory finally unearthed the inadvertent coffee mat of recollection from under the teacup of forgetfulness.
The two of them spent nearly an hour excavating, tearing pieces off the craft, and shifting it to finally unearth the impromptu tomb.
I finally unearthed the number of Violet the Clown, who had played the living room once before and was, incredibly, available.