When he was finally unmasked in public (on a television show called Real People), the two careers became one.
Mr. Sage felt that he had finally unmasked the cult leader.
Tara was finally unmasked on the September 2 episode of Impact!
However, further disease or a stress such as any increase in oxygen demand may finally unmask the existing hypoxemia.
The detective throws a party, inviting all suspects, so he can finally unmask the culprit.
There were millions more before Mr. Ames was finally unmasked in 1993.
When she is finally unmasked by the police, devastated and humiliated, she begs them not to look at her face.
He was told to finally unmask himself in front of the housemates, ending his stint in the House.
It is Brook who finally unmasks the killer.
Conventional wisdom regards autumn colors as the product of the remaining pigments, which were finally unmasked.