And that, paradoxically enough, may have finally ushered in the season of Hillary Clinton's revenge.
These pacific souls are finally ushered from the ring, blissfully unaware of any disgrace.
So, after all that work and worry, you have finally ushered your offspring into this world.
When Harry and I are finally ushered into Mendel's office it is almost five o'clock.
Passing a battery of secretaries, he was finally ushered into Kelber's presence, to receive an enthusiastic welcome.
When she was finally ushered into his office, he said, 'I agreed to see you because I am an admirer of your work, mademoiselle.
Baresmanas was finally ushered out of the room.
They were finally ushered in to see me while last-minute arrangements were being made for a bed.
It was on a wave of good-will that he was finally ushered into the drawing-room.
She found it harder to keep her emotions in check when she was finally ushered into the Marchioness's presence.