Charter schools are publicly financed independent institutions free of most state regulations, and, according to supporters, are therefore able to be more innovative.
Of course, the federal government should work to revive the nation's public health system, helping to finance hospitals and medical institutions on the local and state levels.
Their wives and daughters, commanders, and nobles established and financed numerous educational institutions as well.
The profit generated would be used to directly remunerate employees or finance public institutions.
If lawmakers can finance cultural institutions with court fees, there should be some way to finance basic access to the courts.
(Perhaps this confirms the dismal economic principle that publicly financed institutions - hospitals, schools, highways and courts - always benefit the well-to-do most.)
The city also saw an expansion of religious life through private endowments financing religious institutions (madrasas) and hospitals (maristans).
Its purpose was to finance local authorities and other public institutions.
In some instances, people staged private lotteries to finance schools, roads, churches and other institutions.
She financed charitable institutions for people with encephalitis, tubercolosis, former soldiers and poor mothers.