For March Madness, ISL could help finance a network's bid to get hold of the marketing rights.
Am I to continue to finance my son's bid for the world, or am I going to pack up and go back to Alexandria?
Wall Street's skepticism about the ability of the employees to finance their bid has caused UAL's stock to sag in recent weeks.
QVC provided proof of its ability to finance its $9.5 billion bid for Paramount.
GTE planned to finance its bid for MCI with $28 billion in borrowed cash.
He has shown he can raise substantial sums of money to finance his bid.
Analysts expect new details today on how Mr. Icahn will finance his $60-a-share bid for the company.
Labour plans to finance its bid to boost police manpower from extra savings within the Home Office.
The company is currently inquiring about securing a loan to finance its bid for Orange, the executives said.