Fear of what lies ahead seems almost as debilitating as whatever financial Armageddon finally occurs.
Pat Robertson likes to warn of a financial Armageddon.
Put in that context, today's talk of financial Armageddon is pure hyperbole.
Yet, as far as I can see, not one single hour of police time has gone into investigating the financial armageddon that the City brought us.
House prices are usually only part of life's background noise; but in 2008, they were right up there on the news agenda, beside financial Armageddon.
The payment also looks safe, barring any financial Armageddon.
But we are not looking for financial Armageddon.
These regulators feared a financial Armageddon.
The week before last we we had financial Armageddon.
Having narrowly averted a financial Armageddon in 2008, investors are worried the authorities have transferred western indebtedness from banks and consumers to national governments.