They've designed a suite of financial applications and network software that should run great on the Spiders' new microprocessors.
A more complex program such as a financial application is likely to depend on several external resources, such as database connections.
Other situations, however, may have more direct financial application, such as an asteroid defense mechanism.
The usual real-world application of this is in e.g. financial applications or business software.
Meter Readings is the most popular paid-for financial application, as it helps users keep track of their energy and water usage.
These examples however, do not include any demonstration of real-life financial applications.
For example, Java developers working with financial applications might benefit from built-in support of monetary values.
A+ was designed for numerically intensive applications, especially those found in financial applications.
The term arises because the financial application is 'ancillary' to the petition.
Carecast was a system used primarily by large hospitals and medical centers as an integrated clinical and financial application.