The financial bonanza for the first company to market a successful nicotine vaccine would be enormous.
"It's been a great experience," said Popov, expressing an artistic if not financial bonanza.
Johnson is also once more talking of a financial bonanza.
Let the menu engineers try to convince restaurateurs of the financial bonanza waiting for them, but I'm skeptical.
The Classic is a financial bonanza for each school and the city of New Orleans.
And the argument that a college playoff would be a financial bonanza is weak.
It is not just the financial bonanza that motivates a university to promote its researchers' inventions.
That is not necessarily bad, as being acquired by Google could be a financial bonanza for some of these entrepreneurs and investors.
To top directors and stars, earning a hefty percentage of the box office can turn into a financial bonanza.
The media interest offered a possible financial bonanza to the released boys and their families.