Already accustomed to a lengthened financial dependency, our youth are, simultaneously, victims of the pressure to become "adultified."
Their power to shape a hiring, a firing - and, in some cases, play calling - is the hobgoblin of financial dependency.
They comprise roughly twelve percent of the population and they'll side with any group in power because of their financial dependency.
One of the reasons for this was the financial dependency of the public company.
This is set against remembrances of the city, London, financial dependency and despair, and political unrest.
"You don't have the same financial dependencies you did in the early 90's."
They need the prospect of a secure future that will end their financial dependency on other people and allow them to be self-sufficient.
We must not allowed ourselves to be restricted by financial dependency or to be given a binding mandate.
The unlimited interest extends to the life of spouses (and since 2004 civil partners), even if there is no financial dependency.
There are considerations about children, society's expectations, fear and financial dependency.