He was the institution's largest financial donor for many years, contributing over $1 million to the museum.
He had previously been one of Labour's biggest financial donors, having donated some £100,000 to the party.
Sometimes, a major financial donor or political leader, called a "rabbi" in the street parlance of ward politics, pushes a person for a staff job.
Every president has found ways to reward his top financial donors with plum spots.
At the age of 19, he became a financial donor to FH.
In 1998 he was named as a financial donor of the Labour Party.
I would also say: we now have a chance to become not just financial donors, but also political actors in the Middle East.
He was a major financial donor to Democratic Party organizations at the state and national level.
Richard became involved in the Houston community, working with local financial donors to help establish baseball programs for children.
In the United States, politicians obtain legitimacy from sources outside the government, such as voters, financial donors, and interest groups.