His wife and closest aides struggled over his political and financial legacy.
Instead, Mr. Christie seems concerned (no doubt justifiably) about a troubled financial legacy of the Snowman years and the current shaky economic climate.
Lynn's character adopted three different personas during the play, all conniving to acquire and keep a large financial legacy.
They charged that Mr. Shannon stole the black man's work, robbing his family of a vast cultural and financial legacy.
He was broke and dying from throat cancer and was making a last grab at a financial legacy for his family.
There would be no sinecures, but the company would be Mr. Conrad's moral and financial legacy to his children.
However, I was certain that John would have left Julian a financial legacy.
There is an alternative, though, for those who are concerned about their financial legacies to distant descendants.
"Parents should realize that they're not just leaving a financial legacy, but an emotional one as well," Mr. Plotkin said.
His financial legacy enabled Charles and William to embark on the venture that built Bent's Old Fort.