"Just like last time, we will mobilize the business community, labor, property owners and everyone else in the state because in New York this is about our financial lifeblood."
The shared goal of cutting off the terror network's financial lifeblood also gives foreign governments leverage in ensuring that Panama's new rules are applied rigorously.
That overseas supply, particularly in economically unstable regions, is the financial lifeblood of businesses, and even of pensioners who stow dollars in their mattresses.
The studios want to make the shift to digital distribution of movies into homes without cannibalizing their financial lifeblood, the rich DVD revenue stream.
To be sure, people's need to talk on the phone will continue to provide the financial lifeblood of the wireless industry.
Quite frankly, it's our position that that kind of an approach would jeopardize the financial lifeblood of the Players Association.
American officials highlighted that figure, saying it demonstrated the world's resolve in putting a stranglehold on the financial lifeblood of terrorism.
It's a powerhouse in economic terms, and entire communities would wither and die from a lack of financial lifeblood if Sam Walton's empire somehow disappeared overnight.
They dislike deficits but detest government, and they say tax cuts deprive government of its financial lifeblood.
And venture-capital firms, the financial lifeblood of Silicon Valley, are now interested primarily in start-up companies that plan an 18-month life cycle.