Furthemore, the report alleges widespread financial machinations involving weapons being sold for prices 3-5 times lower than the market value and payments not reaching Ukraine's budget.
But in the longer sense, before the attacks, the Olympic movement was becoming top-heavy with financial machinations and drug scandals and grinding security.
Just enough to mellow me after Kaia's grim financial machinations.
The line was finally opened on 1 November 1851 after almost 10 years of construction and a great deal of financial machinations.
Senior law enforcement officials were pushing for indictments, but the financial machinations at Enron would take months, if not years, to unravel.
Now they are at the forefront, increasingly central to the financial and social machinations of the international art world and the local economies that harbor them.
THE vast majority of inmates are unaware of the political and financial machinations that go on outside the prison walls.
This piece about Pujols' agent might help explain some of the financial machinations going on in the background.
The Washington Post has an investigation into the latest financial machinations of the Democratic National Committee.
He typified a decade in which financial machinations stymied long-term corporate growth.