Mr. Waigel also renewed his efforts to cut the budget deficit with a financial maneuver - selling another big stake in the German telephone company.
But Brett said picking up the option was a financial maneuver.
But the target of such actions would surely object to them, and that's not a bad test, one that your financial maneuver would pass.
The deductions were created through a series of complex financial maneuvers built around both long- and short-term contracts for Government-backed securities.
Analysts said the financial maneuvers indicated that CyberWorks was under mounting pressure to pay down $9 billion in debt.
Mr. Ziatyk said that the bankruptcy proceedings were a financial maneuver "designed to restructure our debt."
Polyakov's financial maneuvers, although legal, were questionable.
Despite a strong reputation as a maverick, Mr. de Benedetti is no newcomer to financial maneuvers.
The move is the biggest financial maneuver taken by Mr. Steiner, who is 50, since he came to Banner in 1984.
There was especially strong opposition to the questionable financial maneuvers of the Clayton administration.