News analytics are used in financial modeling, particularly in quantitative and algorithmic trading.
In quantitative finance, financial modeling entails the development of a sophisticated mathematical model.
Enterprise value is one of the fundamental metrics used in business valuation, financial modeling, accounting, portfolio analysis, etc.
Skewness risk in financial modeling denotes that observations are not spread symmetrically around an average value.
Risk modeling is one of many subtasks within the broader area of financial modeling.
Candidates are taught the use of financial and economic modeling to better apply economic theories.
Many business applications, like financial modeling, are actually scientific in nature, he added.
The treatment of any common topics - usually "derivatives", financial modeling, and risk management - will be less (or even non) technical.
Speed is a critical advantage in many business applications, including financial modeling, computer-aided design, scientific analysis and network management.
As they worked on the project, it became clear that the basic concept was a good one, and was especially useful for financial modeling.