General Clark's finances were helped by supporters who collected financial pledges as they urged him to run.
Mr. Montgomery said the fire should have little effect on the mission effort, provided insurance covers rebuilding costs and congregants keep their financial pledges.
Early in November, steering committee members and captains make their financial pledges.
With that statement, Mr. Dole also appeared to add another financial pledge to his campaign platform.
This over $700,000 project was funded through a combination of financial pledges from corporate, individual, and non-profit organizations.
Despite their best efforts to secure the school's future, including a six figure financial pledge, the parents fell just short of numbers for it to continue.
Mr. Howard canceled his financial pledge in protest and later stopped attending.
But community support came in the form of financial pledges and increased attendance.
These financial pledges did not include the costs associated with the use of United States military personnel in the relief effort.
A specific financial pledge is needed to achieve this.