Casino executives, however, say that if the ban is extended to the gambling floors, the financial ramifications will be disastrous.
There are now financial ramifications in deciding whether the mother or father should become the stay-at-home parent.
The financial ramifications of his marriage to Beyoncé.
The problem, these reports said, have both financial and safety ramifications.
Often, the impact on the career of the spouse - the financial and emotional ramifications of knowing that only one person has a job.
However, the switch has financial ramifications for the government.
The league is looking for ways to stop the lawsuits or at least make an owner consider strongly the financial ramifications before filing one.
The diplomatic and financial ramifications of the case are many.
"But I'm not really focusing on the financial ramifications of divorce just now."
Clearly, the financial ramifications of a 65/70 m.p.h. speed limit are something to be considered for cash-hungry state governments.