It includes no benchmarks for deciding when test scores have changed enough, or when enough financial safeguards are in place.
Clearing margin are financial safeguards to ensure that companies or corporations perform on their customers' open futures and options contracts.
He also pledged to put in financial safeguards, return democracy to the union and to protect the rights of the individual union members.
The country is fortunate in one respect: the sudden buckling of financial safeguards has put just about everyone in touch with his inner New Dealer.
The relaxed standards represent a qualified victory for the business lobby and for the auditing firms in their fight over new financial safeguards.
What some view as red tape others see as political or financial safeguards.
Developing countries could do more to attract foreign investment, the report said, by reducing corruption and by enhancing financial and legal safeguards.
The second-generation agencies were put in place by the Commission with statutes which did not contain the financial safeguards which exist for the two first-generation ones.
The larger funds are more diversified and offer more services and financial safeguards.
AN explosion in personal bankruptcies is undermining the financial safeguards built into the basic documents that govern co-ops and condominums.