SPEAR extends full legal, corporate and financial sponsorship to the projects it supports.
It is one of the few theatre groups in Chennai that survive without financial sponsorship or funding, backed by public faith and smaller donorships.
Seven of the colleges formed a consortium to provide the financial sponsorship for the project.
The language has financial sponsorship from many sources, including the Millennium Commission.
Because the financial sponsorship "was income-producing," he said, "that ended up becoming a dominant program area for the whole organization."
As a 501(c)3 non-profit education organization, INN provides coordination, training, support services and financial sponsorship to its membership.
You could, she says, to start your career as a healthcare assistant (with financial sponsorship and continuing professional development) finish it as a chief executive or consultant.
However the lack of financial sponsorship caused them to move on.
Some recent scholarship has suggested that his financial sponsorship of playwrights, however, may have been less extensive than once thought.
The idea was to set up a foundation that could attract financial sponsorships to support a non-profit sport company.